Accessible Accommodation SN codes

If you have been placed into the Accessible Accommodation category you will notice that your application will have a code related to it of either SN1, SN2 or SN3.

Any property advertised in the Accessible Accommodation category will also have an SN code attached to it. If you are in the Accessible Accommodation category, you should place bids on properties with an SN code which corresponds to your applications SN code. These properties would be suitable for your needs based on the information you have provided to us in the medical questionnaire you have completed or provided by your occupational therapist.

Below is a breakdown of the SN codes and type of property corresponding to each of them.

  • SN1
    Property suitable for a permanent wheelchair user who need to use a wheelchair for all aspects of daily living.
  • SN2
    Ground floor property with level access for people who use a wheelchair outdoors but do not use a wheelchair indoors, they may however walk with difficulty and have difficulty climbing stairs.
  • SN3
    Ground floor property or a property on one level, above ground in a block with lift access. For customers that do not use a wheelchair but may walk with difficulty and can manage one or two steps.