
The property adverts will give you all the information you need about the properties you are bidding for. Please read the adverts carefully, if you place bids for properties you don't really want, you are wasting your bids and can take up staff time unnecessarily.

Some key features to look for

Bidding deadline

  • make sure place your bid before the deadline on the property advert or you will not be considered. Each property advert has its own deadline for placing your bid.


  • who the landlord of the property is and a link to their website so you can find out more about the services they offer.


  • this sets out the rent and any other charges that you may have to pay, including whether you need to pay any rent in advance.

Map and Streetview

  • this is to help you look around the area. It is always a good idea to check the area around the property you are interested in.

Local information 

  • information about schools, shops, health services, travel and other local services/amenities.


  • We use icons to help you see the key details about a property quickly and easily. What do the property icons mean.