
Properties will normally be offered to the household with the highest position at the close of the property advertisement.  If you are made an offer of a property, you will be contacted by the Housing Provider who owns and manages that property. They will make contact using the details you have provided on your Salford Home Search application, so it is vital that these contact details are kept up to date. If you fail to respond to any contact, you could be bypassed for the property and that bypass will be considered a refusal of the offer. If you have left your details for one of the “Homes Available Now” properties, the landlord will contact you in response to your enquiry.

All offers are subject to a number of checks and a Pre-Tenancy Interview so please make sure that the offer has been confirmed by the new landlord before you give notice to terminate your current arrangement. There are occasions when offers have to be withdrawn or essential repairs may extend the time until you can move in.

If you have any queries relating to offers, always contact the Housing provider.

Once you have received an offer you will be given an opportunity to view the property.  This will help you decide if you wish to accept the property, please remember that refusing a property would count as one of your refusals and if you refused a second property your account would be de-activated due to the 2 refusals.